The Garden The Garden - Make a Wish

Like a drunk wizard in my ear
Whispering words I'd like to hear
Make your wish son, make it quick
Choose yer words wisely so they'll stick

Like a drunk wizard in my ear
Whispering words I'd like to hear
Make your wish son, make it quick
Choose yer words wisely so they'll stick

I don't make wishes, I make things happen
Let the tide drag me out, find my own way back
Zero expected, myself erected
People might try to pull you down, expect that
My partner and I, we don't take shit
Enough getting thrown around to clog a toilet
You might think it's funny, assure you it's not
Make a good wish fish, you better put in enough thought, yeah

Like a drunk wizard in my ear
Whispering words I'd like to hear
Make your wish son, make it quick
Choose yer words wisely so they'll stick

Like a drunk wizard in my ear
Whispering words I'd like to hear
Make your wish son, make it quick
Choose yer words wisely so they'll stick

Go to bed at 10, back awake at 3
The kind of mind I've got - gotta ask what it means
Happens all the time - start reading up
Time of the night black magics stirring up
Make a wish now, a wish without a price
Make it so I can get the right sleep tonight
Eyes open up to the sun, now a sigh of bliss
Sweats all gone now, good thing I made a wish

We crack at it, if we don't it doesn't work
Can't make a wish unless we're gonna do the work
Dug a deep hole and and I'm glad we fucking did
Gotta make a sacrifice, get this straight this